Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2 Worlds

Sounds awesome, having the best of both worlds..
What if you really get the worst of both?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Broken, Stolen.

Not too long ago, an intruder crossed my way
He seemed lost, asking for direction.
I casually taught him the nearby paths
There he shouldn't go, that he shouldn't take.

He told me he couldn't understand,
And so asked for my guidance,
I generously led him to the ones I know,
Showing him all that I've been through

I thought that I've did good, I was overjoyed.
I've given a good advice, I'm growing up.
I've helped a lost person to find his way.
Little did I expect, that was not it.

Before i knew, my steps were traced.
He learnt my habits, my dos and don'ts
He found a way in to a secret place,
One i have reserved for a special person.

He entered through the corner of a broken cloud,
A flaw I have so carelessly revealed.
That which is precious to me is now stolen
I must fight to take it back

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the great war behind these grey walls

I hate this room of Grey
Yet, there is no turning back,
a promise I made long ago
But will I ever exit this place?

I saw a spark of blue.
Was it just my imagination?
Or is there really hope?
I'm praying hard for the latter.

I gave up on the exit,
I'm convinced there isn't one
I sat here on these Grey floors
Staring into memories I dearly missed

I closed my eyes and there I heard,
Whispers that come from beyond these walls
They became louder and louder
And their voices echoed throughout

I reached out to touch,
they were as cold as ever,
And just before I took my hands off,
These still walls shook.

There is a great war behind these Grey walls,
I heard their battle cries
They were reaching a simple message,
Fighting its way to me.

I heard one making its way in,
"You'll never make it", it said.
"You'll never find a way out", it continued.
"You're worn out, you can't do anything"
It continued.

Yet a whisper came in louder than all.
"It's me," It was a familiar voice.
"I'll make it for you, don't give up"
"I'll break these walls down, don't give up"
"I'll be your strength, Don't give up"
The whisper grew stronger and stronger.

My Lord, my God, I won't ever give up. It is a promise You taught me to make, when you first made.